• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 24, 2013

    Makeup tip for one-minute eyebrows

    In our dreams, we have a tendency to leave the house fantastically
    put-together daily. In reality, we have a tendency to’re lucky if we
    bear in mind to place make-up on each eyes. If you've got solely a
    moment for makeup before you run out the door, strive one in all these
    fast buildup tips that make a giant distinction.

    If you’re an individual UN agency appearance ten times a lot of polished
    once your eyebrows area unit done, build them a priority. however
    rather than taking the time to fill in each brows in their entireness,
    merely dot a brow pencil onto those few thin areas to even things out,
    then coat them with a tinted brow gel (or clear mascara) for a natural,
    however still plastered, look on the go.

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