• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 26, 2013

    Meditate and Listen to ME

    Cholesterol Levels: 

    High cholesterol leads to hardening of arteries, which in turn, leads to
    heart disease or attack.  Keep your intake of food healthy, limit the
    amount of sugar you eat, and have your cholesterol checked.  If it is
    higher than 200, ask your doctor for ways to reduce it.


    Find some time away from noise and distractions for you.  Meditation can
    come in many forms.  Whatever way you meditate, ensure that you are in a
    quiet place with soft lighting, sit with good posture and in a
    comfortable position, practice slow, rhythmic breathing, and concentrate
    on something calm and relaxing.  Meditation is a great stress reducer,
    which is vital for good health. 

     Listen to ME: 

    If you know that you are not feeling “right” but the doctor tells you
    everything is fine, listen to your body.  There is nothing wrong with
    getting a second opinion.  If you are not comfortable with the doctor’s
    advice, get another exam.  In addition, if you go to a doctor who tells
    you that what you feel is in your head, or you are crazy, get out of
    there immediately.  You know your body better than anyone does and you
    need a doctor that believes in you and offers the right kind of support
    and encouragement.


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