• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 11, 2014

    Ex-Israel PM Ariel Sharon dies at 85

    TEL AVIV: Former Israeli premier Ariel Sharon died in hospital
    near Tel Aviv Saturday, aged 85, after eight years in a coma, drawing
    tributes from Israeli leaders but contempt from Palestinians.

    “The Sheba Medical Centre in Tel HaShomer announces with sorrow the
    passing of former prime minister Ariel Sharon that was determined
    approximately an hour ago,” senior doctor Professor Shlomo Noy told a
    news conference at 1300 GMT.

    Sharon has been in a coma since January 4, 2006 after suffering a
    massive stroke. His condition took a sudden turn for the worse on New
    Year's Day when he suffered serious kidney problems after surgery.

    “He's gone; he went when he decided to go,” his son Gilad told reporters at the hospital, in remarks on Channel 2 television.

    Sharon was one of Israel’s most skilled but controversial political
    and military leaders, who was hailed by many Israelis as a statesman
    whose ruthless methods earned him the moniker “The Bulldozer.”

    As news of his death emerged, tributes poured in from senior Israeli
    officials, but the Palestinians were quick to denounce him as a
    “criminal” who had escaped international justice.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would “forever” cherish Sharon's memory.

    “The State of Israel bows its head over the passing of former prime
    minister Ariel Sharon,” he said in a statement, expressing “deep sorrow”
    over the news. “His memory will forever be held in the heart of the

    A veteran soldier, Sharon fought in all of Israel's major wars before
    embarking on a turbulent political career in 1973 that ended
    dramatically when he suffered the stroke from which he never recovered.

    Long considered a pariah for his personal but “indirect”
    responsibility for the 1982 massacre of hundreds of Palestinians by
    Israel's Lebanese Phalangist allies in Beirut's Sabra and Shatila
    refugee camps, Sharon was elected premier in 2001.

    The Palestinians were quick to welcome news of his death, with a
    senior official labelling him a criminal and accusing him of being
    responsible for the mysterious death in 2004 of the veteran Palestinian
    leader, Yasser Arafat.

    “Sharon was a criminal, responsible for the assassination of Arafat,
    and we would have hoped to see him appear before the International
    Criminal Court as a war criminal,” said Jibril Rajub, a senior official
    of the Fatah party.

    The Hamas movement, which rules the Gaza Strip, hailed Sharon’s death
    as a “historic moment” marking the “disappearance of a criminal whose
    hands were covered with Palestinian blood.”

    Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, also
    regretted that Sharon never faced justice, particularly over his role in
    the Beirut camp killings.

    “It's a shame that Sharon has gone to his grave without facing
    justice for his role in Sabra and Shatila and other abuses,” she said in
    a statement.

    “His passing is another grim reminder that years of virtual impunity
    for rights abuses have done nothing to bring Israeli-Palestinian peace
    any closer. For the thousands of victims of abuses, Sharon's passing
    without facing justice magnifies their tragedy.”

    One of the last members of the generation that founded the Jewish
    state 1948, he leaves a complex legacy which saw him push through a
    policy of separation from the Palestinians, orchestrate Israel's
    unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 and begin building the sprawling
    West Bank barrier in 2002.

    Born in British-mandate Palestine on February 26, 1928, to parents
    from Belarus, Sharon was just 17 when he joined the Haganah, the
    pre-state militia that fought in the 1948 war of independence and
    eventually became the Israeli army.

    Known throughout his military career for his boldness, Sharon also
    had a stubborn sense of independence which saw him surprising friends
    and foes alike.

    Ever the maverick, Sharon later broke with his life-long rightwing
    convictions to push through an unprecedentedly bold plan to withdraw
    Israeli troops and 8,000 settlers from the Gaza Strip, earning him the
    hatred of his former nationalist and settler allies.

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