• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 12, 2014

    UK 'working on benefit restrictions' for EU migrants

    Iain Duncan Smith said other countries shared concerns about immigration

    The UK is working with
    several European governments to try to restrict the benefits migrants
    can claim when they move from one EU country to another.

    Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith told the Sunday Times the UK, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Finland wanted to change EU law.

    A three-month ban on EU migrants claiming UK out-of-work benefits came into force earlier this month.

    But a senior EU official said migrants pay in more than they take out.

    European commissioner Laszlo Andor told the BBC the UK risked
    "losing friends" and developing a bad image because of the way the
    debate on immigration was developing.

    Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, meanwhile, said it was
    "eminently sensible" to consider further changes to benefits for EU

    But he cautioned changes must be done in conjunction with
    other European states or there would be a "danger" of tit-for-tat
    changes made by other governments.

    "The idea that somehow we can apply new criteria to Germans,
    Fins, Dutch, Austrians you name it, but somehow no new conditions would
    apply to Brits living in other European Union countries is fanciful," he
    told Pienaar's Politics on BBC Radio 5 live.

    'Committed to country'
    The easing of restrictions on Bulgarians and Romanians working
    in the UK at the beginning of the year has seen the debate surrounding
    so-called benefit tourism resurface.

    Mr Duncan Smith said there was "a growing groundswell of
    concern about the [immigration] issue" and Britain was "right in the
    middle of a large group of nations saying enough is enough".

    He said he had been working with the other countries to bring
    pressure on Brussels to allow individual EU member countries to make
    their own rules stricter.

    Latest quarterly migration figures from the Office for National Statistics

    Mr Duncan Smith said Britain should ask migrants: "Demonstrate
    that you are committed to the country, that you are a resident and that
    you are here for a period of time and you are generally taking work and
    that you are contributing."

    He added: "At that particular point... it could be a year, it
    could be two years, after that, then we will consider you a resident of
    the UK and be happy to pay you benefits."

    Sources close to Mr Duncan Smith stressed he was expressing an aspiration for the future rather than spelling out a policy.

    It comes after Europe's Employment and Social Affairs
    Commissioner Mr Andor insisted migrant workers were net contributors to
    the UK economy.

    "We shouldn't assume that the UK welfare system is a lot more generous than that of many other countries," he said.

    "Migrant workers altogether are net contributors to the
    system. They take out much less in the form of benefits or welfare
    services than what they contribute in the form of taxes or contributions
    to the system."

    'Little concern'
    His remarks echoed that of his EU colleague Viviane Reding,
    vice-president of the European Commission, who said last week that it
    was a "myth" to speak about an "invasion of foreigners" stealing jobs
    and draining welfare and health resources.

    Start Quote

    It goes against people's sense of
    fairness that the EU want an EU migrant to be treated in exactly the
    same way as a Brit when it comes to out-of-work benefits”

    Matthew Pollard
    Executive director, Migration Watch

    Christian Dustmann, an economics professor at University College London who has published research on how much migrants claim in benefits in comparison to people born in the UK, told BBC Radio 5 live on Sunday there was clear evidence about who was claiming more.

    "We have looked at the overall receipt of transfers and
    benefits, which of course include child benefit, housing benefit and
    other forms of benefits, and what we find is that migrants from EU
    countries are 33% less likely than UK natives to claim any form of
    benefits," he said.

    Prof Dustmann said there was "very little concern that immigrants from EU countries are free-riding on the UK's welfare system".

    Matthew Pollard, executive director of Migration Watch UK, a
    think tank that supports tighter immigration controls, accepted EU
    migrants claimed less than UK nationals in out-of-work benefits but said
    it was "still right for the government to restrict access".

    "It goes against people's sense of fairness that the EU want
    an EU migrant to be treated in exactly the same way as a Brit when it
    comes to out-of-work benefits. This undermines confidence in the welfare
    system as well as the EU in general," he told 5 live.

    He said migrants claimed more in terms of "in work" benefits,
    such as working tax credits and housing benefit, and there was no
    economic case for mass immigration.

    'No strings'
    Last week UKIP leader Nigel Farage called for migrants to be
    barred from receiving benefits until they have been living in the UK for
    five years.

    London Mayor Boris Johnson suggested any ban should be two years.

    Labour has said it supports the government's three-month ban, which it said was "reasonable and achievable".

    Meanwhile, more than 90 Conservative MPs have written to David Cameron urging him to give Parliament a national veto over current and future EU laws.

    Social security spending in Europe - graph

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