• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 20, 2016

    Senior golfers register for Breakfast Group tourney

    Lugalo Captain Japhet Masai said in Dar es Salaam yesterday that preparations are going on well for the Breakfast group to host the final series of their event for 2016 at the club.
    He said that the course was in playable condition to allow golfers to enjoy the day. Among those who have confirmed include George Waitara (rtd) General, Ambassadors Job Masima, Charles Sanga and Edmund Mndolwa. Others are CCM Secretary General, Abdulhaman Kinana and former Chief Secretary Ambassador Ombeni Sefue.
    “You’re requested to participate in the breakfast group golfing final, which will be conducted on Sunday (today),” Masai appealed to golfers. “Good prizes have been prepared by Josten’s family, please join us to wish them all the best,” the captain

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