• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 20, 2016

    Muslim body earns praise for provision of social services

    He said the government recognizes their contribution in supporting and improving social services. He also requested the institute to continue supporting other hospitals in improving healthcare delivery apart from the Dodoma-based General Hospital.
    Similarly, the Prime Minister also requested other organizations to emulate the example of Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania in assisting people with problems of eye sight.
    He said the government would continue to provide cooperation to various agencies so as to help people who have health problems, especially the poor.
    Mr Majaliwa called on the institute to keep on improving services in the community to enable the majority Tanzanians improve their quality of life.
    Prof Karim Manji from the Muslim Foundation assured the Prime Minister that his organization would continue to provide assistance to the low income people who are in need of health services, education and clean and safe water.
    He said that the hospital has screened 5,500 eye patients and 319 among them had undergone cataract surgery. He said promised his organization was prepared to extend its services to other regions.

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